United Group Insurance

Atlantic Community Development Committee to meet today


June 7th, 2012 by Ric Hanson

The City of Atlantic’s Community Development Committee will meet this (Thursday) afternoon, at City Hall. During the 4:30-p.m. session, the CDC is scheduled to meet with local insurance company owner Kent Gade about his request for a property tax abatement for his new building, located on East 7th Street. The Committee will also discuss modifications to 2nd Street, from Buck Creek Road to Chestnut Street, to accommodate bike lanes. City Administrator Doug Harris has held discussions with the Iowa Department of Transportation about converting a section of road from 2nd Street to Chestnut – which is currently a 4-lane road – into a two-lane road with a center turn lane. Bicycle lanes would then potentially be painted on the sides of those roads. The conversation was initiated at the behest of the local Bicycling Committee. Harris said he received approval from I-DOT to make the change. The Atlantic City Council may act on a resolution during its next regularly scheduled meeting, to support the change. Harris said some lane striping changes and signage required, part of the expense of which could be paid for by the local trails group. Doug Harris acknowledges there are “pro’s and con’s” to making the change, such as businesses who would lose parking spaces along the road by Chestnut Street. A benefit is the potential of linking the lanes to the Schildberg Trail, and eventually the T-Bone Trail, which could draw more bicycling tourists into town. 

The CDC will also discuss the cost estimates for needed repairs to the Bull Creek Storm Drain at 2nd and Poplar, and, the upcoming (June 12th) Downtown Revitalization meeting.