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Atlantic City Council to hold final readings of 2 ordinances Wed.


June 5th, 2012 by Ric Hanson

The City Council in Atlantic will hold the third and final readings of two ordinances during their meeting Wednesday evening. That includes an ordinance which would reduce the speed limit on East 22nd Street from Highway 71 to Olive Street, from 45- to 35-miles per hour, and, an ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances, by adding a chapter on Urban Deer Control.

The DNR and City officials have concluded there is currently an overpopulation of deer within the City limits of Atlantic which poses a threat to property and public safety. The ordinance would allow bow hunting of antlerless deer, with certain restrictions and conditions.

In other business, the Council will act on requests from: The Jaycees, to discharge fireworks on July 4th at the Atlantic Municipal Airport; The 1st United Methodist Church, to close Cedar Street between 2nd and 3rd Streets on August 16th from 5-7pm, for a community block party; and, from Dan March, on behalf of the Heritage House, to block the alley behind 811 Poplar Street from Noon until 8-pm Saturday, June 23rd, for the purpose of holding a fundraising dinner for its Good Samaritan Fund (to help residents who have outlived their financial resources).

The Council meeting begins at 5:30-p.m., in their Chambers at the Atlantic City Hall.