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Atlantic Airport Commission to announce grant funds for improvements


June 26th, 2012 by Ric Hanson

The Atlantic Airport Commission will meet Wednesday morning at the Airport Terminal. During the New Business portion of their meeting, the Commission  will receive information pertaining to two grants. One of the grants, which comes from the F-A-A, was announced by Senator Tom Harkin’s office on May 31st.

The $510, 763 grant will be used to help the facility meet design standards. Snyder and Associates Engineer Tim Teig told KJAN News the funds will be used for grading of the parallel taxiway and paving around the fuel lane, for better access by aircraft to the pumps. Teig says the funds for improvements to the Atlantic Airport, and 26 other municipal airports around the State, come from airline ticket sales and the sale of aviation fuel. He says no taxpayer monies are being used to pay for the improvements, other than those associated with user fees.The grant requires a 10-percent local match.

The second grant, of $36,000, would come from the State of Iowa. Teig says the City had applied for a new, hydraulic hangar door, to replace the City’s’ aging, manual sliding hangar door currently in use. That particular hangar houses a number of aircraft. An application was made for the grant, and after having been deemed eligible, is currently under consideration. A previous application failed to make the cut for State funds, according to City Administrator, Doug Harris.

The Atlantic Airport Commission will also discuss a drainage obstruction at the south end of the runway, the anticipated use of the facility for the “Fly Iowa” event, and other business.