United Group Insurance

Hay bale fire reported near Lewis


May 21st, 2012 by Ric Hanson

Spontaneous combustion appears to be the cause of a minor hay bale fire this (Monday) morning between Atlantic and Lewis. Atlantic Firefighter Gene Schmeling told KJAN News the bales were stacked up outside of a building. Some of the bales began to smolder outside of a structure at Milk Unlimited at 59100 Memphis Road. Crews were dispatched at 8:21-a.m. to the facility located about three-miles northeast of Lewis.

Lewis firefighters assisted at the scene. Schmeling said Milk Unlimited employees used an end-loader to move the affected bales away from nearly 200 other bales located nearby to prevent any spread of the fire. Crews remained on the scene for about 30-minutes. No injuries were reported.