United Group Insurance


Trading Post

March 19th, 2012 by Jim Field

FOR SALE: Trek road bike–carbon frame–Shimano triple chain ring—24 speed.  Excellent condition.  Reasonable price.   Call 712 655 2859.

FOR SALE: Whirlpool heavy duty, High capacity, electric clothes dryer, works fine, $25—must pick up in Atlantic, (712) 789-0081.

FOR SALE: Three separate items:  1) HP scanner/copier.  Will work with most versions of Windows.  $35.  2) Box of records (33 1/3)…lots of classic country artists included.  3) Box of fabric for $20.  243-2526.

TO GIVE AWAY: Small apple trees that you would have to transport yourself.  762-3603.

WANTED: A small boat trailer that could fit a 10 foot boat.  Also looking for a Chevy/Ford car or truck from the 40’s/50’s/60’s.  304-4262.

FOR TRADE: Egg Cartons…would be willing to swap for eggs.  243-4308.

FOR SALE: Aluminum pie tins.  243-4308.

FOR SALE: Angel food pans.  243-2408.

FOR SALE: Gas grill that hooks up to a gas line (not a gas tank).  $25.  243-1402.