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Atlantic City Council hears from upset resident & adopts Min. Maintenance Ordinance


November 3rd, 2011 by Ric Hanson

The Atlantic City Council Wednesday evening, heard from one city resident who is not happy with the way people in his part of the community are being treated by road construction crews working in the area. Steve Green told the Council crews from Western Engineering working on resurfacing Redwood Drive, were very rude Tuesday evening as he and some of his neighbors were turning onto Redwood Drive after coming home from work. He says the workers were yelling at the motorists and making rude gestures. Green asked with 22nd Street being torn up at the same time, how were the residents supposed to make their way home? He said one resident had to drive through a field off of Ash Street to get to their home because of the construction.

Green says he wanted the Council to know the workers were being rude, and don’t need to act that way, when the residents are little with very few options on how they can make it home and into work. Mayor Dave Jones asked if the residents had access via one lane of the street. Green said they do, but the road crews weren’t happy with them being there. He says they had no choice but to traverse the street.  City Administrator Doug Harris said a lot of people are frustrated with the pace of road construction and repairs, but progress is being made. Harris said he would follow-up on Green’s complaint and talk with Great Western Engineering officials.

In other business, the Council Wednesday tabled action on a Resolution to approve the method of disposition of certain City-owned property located northwest of the intersection of Olive and Commerce Streets, until the land is surveyed, fact-finding is complete, and the property lines clearly marked on City maps. The move was designed to eliminate confusion over who has the rights to lease and or buy the land, and an adjacent property owner’s concerns about the legal description of the land. 

The Council also adopted by a 5-to-1 vote, on the 2nd reading, an Ordinance establishing a Minimum Maintenance Code, which requires residents to keep structures on their properties in reasonably good repair. Councilman Kern Miller was the lone nay vote, saying afterward, he questioned how the rule would be enforced. And, the Council unanimously passed a Resolution adopting a City records retention schedule, which will spell out how long certain documents should be kept.