United Group Insurance

DNE, Local Agencies to Participate in National Drug Drop-off Program


April 28th, 2011 by Ric Hanson

Tomorrow (Friday) and Saturday, the Iowa Division of Narcotics Enforcement (DNE) will partner with local agencies across the state to participate in the Drug Enforcement Administration’s nationwide prescription drug take-back program. Unused or expired prescription medications are a public safety issue. The DEA says currently, more Americans abuse prescription drugs than the number of those using cocaine, hallucinogens, and heroine combined.

Iowans can turn in their unused, unneeded and expired prescription medications at collection sites across Iowa. To find the site nearest you, surf the web to http://www.justice.gov/dea/

In our area, the collection sites include:

The Hy-Vee Pharmacy at 1605 N. Broadway, in Red Oak

Umba Hall at 300 2nd Avenue, in Underwood.

Hy-Vee Drug Town at 757 W. Broadway, in Council Bluffs

The Greater Regional Medical Center parking lot at 1610 W. Townline, in Creston.

The Glenwood, and Carter Lake Police Departments

And, the Farmers & Merchants Bank in Winterset.

The service is free and anonymous. No questions asked. Tablets, capsules, all other solid dosage forms, and liquids in original prescription bottles will be collected. Syringes will not be accepted.

The event will be held from 4-to-6-pm Friday, April 29th, and from 10-a.m. to 2-p.m. Saturday, April 30th.