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Iowa GOP pushes ban on fetal tissue use in medical research


February 7th, 2017 by Ric Hanson

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — An Iowa Senate subcommittee has approved a proposed ban on medical research using fetal tissue despite objections it could jeopardize life-saving cures.

The Republican-controlled panel agreed Tuesday that the use or transportation of fetal tissue should be largely prohibited. The legislation is similar to a bill passed in the Iowa House last year that banned the use of aborted fetal tissue for research. That bill failed in a Senate controlled by Democrats, but with Republicans now controlling both chambers, the measure could see greater support.

The Iowa Board of Regents requested an amendment that would allow researchers to use fetal cell lines, permit medical donations and allow pathological study. Legislators didn’t OK the amendment but say they could consider it later.

The bill moves to the Senate Human Resources committee.