United Group Insurance

Page County Sheriff warns of law enforcement-type phone scam


February 4th, 2015 by Ric Hanson

The Page County Sheriff’s Office is reporting citizens in the county have been receiving phone calls from someone claiming to be from the Page County Sheriff’s Office or another Law Enforcement entity. The number on caller ID sometimes even shows that it is from the Law Enforcement entity. The caller claims there is a warrant or some type of criminal / civil litigation against the person and they need to call back to another number right a way to avoid jail and/or prosecution. If the number given is called back, the person on the line will request some sort of payment via any type of payment method. Authorities say THIS IS A SCAM.

Law Enforcement does NOT call if there is a warrant or litigation to obtain money. We serve papers and warrants in person and do not handle these matters over the phone.

Sheriff Lyle Palmer warns against falling victim to the scammers. He says if you do it is very unlikely that you will ever get your money back as the caller is usually from out of the United States. Tracking the culprits down is virtually impossible. If they can show that they are calling from a Law Enforcement entity, they can change to whatever number they want. If you do receive those type of phone calls,  call your local Law Enforcement agency.