United Group Insurance

Audubon City Council to meet Monday evening


April 27th, 2014 by Ric Hanson

The City Council in Audubon will hold a regularly scheduled meeting Monday evening at City Hall. During the 7-p.m. session, the Council will receive an update on the Audubon County Economic Development (ACED) Housing Development plan. They’ll also act on approval of a bargaining unit stipulation and an order to authorize the Region 12 Council of Governments (COG) to release the Deed Restriction on the 210 Church Street property.

In other business, the Council will act on scheduling May 12th as the date for a public hearing on a proposed amendment to the Code of Ordinances affecting the change in City Council meeting date and times. They’ll also act on a Resolution setting the rules for the Public Forum portion of City Council meetings and discuss the Dangerous Building list and abatement notices.