United Group Insurance

Cass/Adair County Boards of Supervisors meetings on Tues.


November 11th, 2013 by Ric Hanson

The Cass and Adair County Boards of Supervisors will hold separate meetings Tuesday in Atlantic and Greenfield, respectively. Both sessions begin at 9-a.m.  In Atlantic, the Cass County Supervisors are scheduled to receive a report at 10:30 from the Child Abuse Prevention Council’s Kristen Templeton, with regard to ‘The Scary Guy” program being brought to all schools in the County, next fall. The CAPC will request funding from the Board to help make the program possible.

In Greenfield, the Adair County Supervisors will canvass the results of the Nov. 5th City Election, and hold public hearings on the authorization of loan agreements and issuing of General Obligation Capital Loan Notes amounting to $11-million, and resolutions to take addition action on those matters.

The Board will also act on the signing of an agreement with Pictometry, and a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) agreement.