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Cass Supervisors to meet one-hour early, Wednesday


June 18th, 2013 by Ric Hanson

The Cass County Board of Supervisors will meet one-hour earlier than usual, Wednesday morning. 

During their 8-a.m. session at the Courthouse in Atlantic, the Board is scheduled to act on: A request from the Cass County Historical Museum for additional funding; A request from the Veterans Affairs Commission to set the V-A Administrator’s wages for Fiscal Year 2014; Approving miscellaneous employment change requests for end of probationary employment and wage adjustments for F.Y. 2014; End of Fiscal Year expense appropriations following a review and amendment; and, if ready, discuss and approve entry into a 28-E agreement for Mental Health Regionalization. 

The Board is also expected to receive a report from the Family Crisis Support Network, and other, departmental reports from the Engineer, County Attorney and General Relief/Mental Health Coordinator.