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Trading Post

July 5th, 2012 by admin

FOR SALE: White Baby Cradle $40.  7 1/2′ pro light Christmas tree w/ all the bulbs $30.  Small 13 inch TV with the stand $35.  Call 641-742-3263.

FOR SALE: Lennox 3 ton Elite Series air conditioner with coil. 10-12 Seer. 712-764-4132.

FOR SALE: 88 Dodge 3/4 ton 4×4, 91400 miles. Rough body, sound mechanically. 712-755-5906.

FOR SALE: 1988 Boss V snow plow. Mountings for 88 Dodge. 712-755-5906.

FOR SALE: Ematic Eglide pro XL 2 10″ touch screen tablet with 4.0 android ..$140. 712-314-7398.

FOR SALE: Pool table 7 ft long by 3 ft wide $75.   Phone number 712-314-7398.

WANTED: Odd jobs, yard work, hauling, labor.  Call 712-789-1928.

FOR SALE: Two tires, P225/70R15 & P215/75R15, in good condition.  $10 each. Call 712-789-1928.

FOR SALE: Sweet cor, shucked, cleaned & bagged.  7 ears to a bag for $3.00.  Stop by 304 Oak Street in Atlantic.

FOR SALE: Firewood in the Griswold area.  Also, available to cut trees, not more than 2 feet across and not in Atlantic.  Call 712-778-4672.

WANTED: smaller motorcycles from the 1970’s or 1980’s.  They do not need to be in running condition.  Must be reasonably priced and complete.  Call 712-304-4262.

WANTED: Air conditioner, 110, around $30.  Call 712-304-4568.