United Group Insurance


Trading Post

May 30th, 2012 by Jim Field

FOR SALE: Amana refrigerator, white in color. 17.8 cu. Ft, freezer on top. Have been using it.  First 75.00 takes it.  712-243-9849.

GARAGE SALE: Saturday June 2 from 8-12.  807 Hickory (in alley)  Lots of stuff from infant to adult.  Small computer desk, like new boys 20″ bike, home decor, and much more.

FOR SALE: 1986 Honda 4 wheel, new front tires, good back tires, new batteries – best offer; trellis – best offer. 712-250-4420

WANTED: Willing to cut down trees if you cannot afford a tree service.  The work would be done to help people out, as he would not use the wood for personal use.  He would not be able to do anything more than 2 feet across…also could only cut down trees in more open areas.  778-4672.

FOR SALE: Camping firewood.  778-4672.