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Iowa Congressman awards Atlantic Fire Chief the Iowa Medal of Merit


October 12th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Atlantic, Iowa) – In observance of his service to the City of Atlantic, Atlantic Fire Chief Tom Cappel was awarded the Iowa Medal of Merit by Iowa Republican 3rd District Congressman Zach Nunn, today (Saturday).

Congressman Nunn mentioned the Atlantic Fire Department has responded to “Dozens and dozens of emergency events this year,” with about a dozen involving extrication efforts through use of the “Jaws of Life.” On that note, the event also served as a chance for Atlantic Mayor Grace Garrett to encourage people to come out and vote “Yes to EMS.”

She said the County has purchased an ambulance, and the City is in the process of getting that approved to also purchase an ambulance.

Congressman Zach Nunn pins the Iowa Medal of Merit to Fire Chief Tom Cappel.

Afterward, Congressman Nunn pinned the Iowa Medal of Merit award to Chief Tom Cappel’s dress uniform. He also presented the Chief with a certificate and a challenge coin.

All the members of the Atlantic Volunteer Fire Department who were present for the ceremony received a challenge coin. Chief Cappel humbly spoke about his team of hard working firefighters.

Fire Chief Tom Cappel (Center), his daughter ReAnn (left) and Tim Cappel (Left of ReAnn), along with other Cappel family members and volunteer firefighters who were honored by, and received “Challenge Coins” from, Congressman Nunn.

The Cappel family has a long history of serving the City of Atlantic on the fire department.

After the ceremony, Congressman Nunn spoke about being in-touch with the Iowans he serves in Washington,  D-C.

He was asked about complaints from Iowans about being inundated with political advertising through the various forms of media, including through the mail. Some have said they received as many as four letters or postcard-type advertisements, in one day alone.

Nunn concluded his stop in Atlantic by participating in the Fireman’s Parade, before proceeding to Shenandoah for another public engagement.