United Group Insurance


Trading Post

January 9th, 2012 by Jim Field

FOR SALE: Male blue peacock female blue peahen and a white peahen $150 for all three or best offer 712 243 4960.

FOR SALE: 1997 Dodge Dakota, 5-speed, Black, runs good. $1000 Call 712-783-4523.

FREE: three 30 x 57 combination storm windows and three 32 x 57 storm windows, self storing.  Call 243-2316.

FOR SALE: Office Chair (Gray fabric) good shape, all functions works Perfect.  $50.00 OBO.  Three cordless Phones for sale; one has (Digital answer) 5.8 GHZ. All are in the box they came in and have the manuals for them.  $20.00 for all three phones.  Golds Gym 250 exercise Bike (Brand New) paid $289.00 want $200.00.  Call 712-243-3122 or 712-249-0077.

FOR SALE:  Whirlpool 30 inch glass top electric range white stove with five burners from the gold series and in excellent condition.  $225.  563-3526.

FOR SALE:  Brand new never been used 13 piece cast iron cookware set and a 19 inch cast iron griddle/grill.  $125 for both.  563-2992

WANTED:  Size 3X leather jacket.  243-3396.