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Steve King says he’s proud of western Iowans’ tireless flood fighting efforts


July 5th, 2011 by Ric Hanson

Congressman Steve King, of Kiron (R-IA)

Western Iowa 5th District Republican Congressman Steve King toured the area affected by Missouri River flooding last week, along with Governor Terry Branstad and Homeland Security/Emergency Management Director, General Derek Hill. King told KJAN News he’s proud of the effort Iowans have put forth to try and protect homes, businesses and farm land from the “Mighty Mo.” He says the amount of water coming down the river is unprecedented, and it’s going to be a very long Summer.

He credit’s the residents and officials in Hamburg in particular, with putting forth a valiant effort to protect the community. King says during his aerial tour of the flooded area, the extent of the flooding became clear. He says the water is a minimum of 1.5-miles wide in some locations, while in other areas, it’s about 11-miles wide.

And, while some have criticized the Army Corps of Engineers for not acting quickly enough to relieve pressure on the Gavins Point Dam this past Spring, King says they appear to have done everything “by-the-book,” but their actions will be scrutinized during a Congressional hearing.

On the topic of Minnesota Republican Congresswoman Michelle Bachman’s announcement last week she intends to run for President, King was asked if he will endorse her bid. He says she’s been a good friend of his since she came to Congress, and, while she’s near the top of the polls, he’s not willing to step forth and back her because she has to earn her place in the political arena by convincing voters at the straw poll and the state’s first in the nation caucuses she’s the best candidate for the job.

King says he wasn’t in Waterloo for her announcement because it would have come across as an endorsement of her candidacy. He says if Sarah Palin were to enter the race, he doubts the two women would ever team-up as the first female President-Vice Presidential candidates in the nominating process.