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Shelby County Fire Danger Index: High today (Monday) thru Thursday

Ag/Outdoor, News

March 17th, 2014 by Ric Hanson

Shelby County Emergency Management officials say as of today (Monday), natural fuels (Low humidity, strong winds and extremely dry grass/timber) have reached a point where they will readily ignite, and spread.  With predicted winds increasing, and Relative Humidity expected to drop into the Mid 20’s authorities recommend that Fire Danger Boards in Shelby County be placed in the HIGH category. Fire Danger

The County is also included in a Fire Weather Watch, so expectations of rapid fire growth should be anticipated.  The situation will be assessed and the Fire Danger Boards updated, on Thursday.  In the mean time, outdoor burning of timber, grasses and other materials should not be conducted.

If you must burn, call your local fire chief to obtain authorization. If you are cleared to begin a controlled burn, contact Shelby County Dispatch at 712-755-2124  and let them know it is an authorized burn to avoid any confusion.