United Group Insurance

IFA awards nearly $2-million in grants for IA agencies helping the homeless


September 12th, 2013 by Ric Hanson

The Iowa Finance Authority’s (IFA) Board of Directors recently approved a combined total of nearly $2-million in federal grants to assist 25 agencies across the state with homelessness prevention and assistance initiatives during the 2014 calendar year. The funding is made available through the federal; Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) program, which is administered by the U-S Dept. of Housing and Urban Development, and by the IFA. The purpose of the grant, is to help Iowans and their families quickly regain stability in permanent housing after experiencing a housing crisis or homelessness.

In southwest Iowa:

The Crisis Intervention & Advocacy Center in Adel…which serves 19 counties, among them Adair, Adams, Audubon, Cass, Guthrie, Montgomery, Pottawattamie and Shelby… received a grant amounting to $69, 104, for Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Rehousing.

The Catholic Council for Social Concern in Des Moines…which serves Pottawattamie, Audubon, Cass, Fremont, Harrison, Mills, Montgomery, Page, Pottawattamie and Shelby Counties…received $71,984 for Shelter and Outreach programs.

Heartland Family Services/Council Bluffs, which serves Pott. County, received $47, 989 for Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Rehousing.

MICAH House/Council Bluffs, received $47,989 for shelter and outreach programs benefiting the 11 area counties it serves.

And, the YWCA in Fort Dodge receives $91, 564 for shelter/outreach, Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Rehousing. It serves 24 counties, including four in the KJAN listening area.

Those and other agencies can use the grant funds for many purposes, including Street outreach, Emergency Shelters and essential services, short-term rental or utility assistance, case management and other, similar services.