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Trading Post

September 10th, 2012 by admin

FOR SALE:  Radios, transistors and police scanners.  FOR SALE:  Weed eaters for $10.  243-2979.

FOR SALE:  110 BTU window air conditioner.  $35.  FOR SALE:  Wheel chair lift for a van that runs on a car battery and comes with a remote.  $275.  712-304-4262.

FOR SALE:  Navajo 40 channel citizens band bass radio.  FOR SALE:  2 mobile linears…one is 100 watts the other is 225 watts.  243-6772.

FOR SALE: Garden Trellis. $50/obo. Call 712-250-4420.

WANTED:  3-5 Straw bales.  249-0726