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Trading Post

August 13th, 2012 by Jim Field

FOR SALE:  SEARS 11.6 CU. FT UPRIGHT FREEZER. Looks and Runs like new.  55in Tall – 28in Tall – 24in Deep.  $150 or best offer YOU HAUL.  Call 243-1568.

FOR SALE:  Hotblast woodstove. Works great. 11 3′ sections of stainless steel triple wall pipe. 2 adjustable 45 degree pieces. 1 clean out T piece and chimney cap. $800.  712-784-2125.

WANTED:  dish washer in good condition. call  712-764-5321-712 249-1563.

WANTED:  Children’s 4 wheeler power wheels.  789-9385

FREE: CharBroil Grill, set up for natural gas, pedestal style, come get it, it’s yours. 712-243-2676

FOR SALE: 400 gallon poly water barrell, can fit in back of a pick up, in very good condition. $250; child’s restraint car seat, good condition $10. 641-746-2583

FOUND: set of keys. Call to claim – 243-4308

FOR SALE: Star Wars toys – 2 pod racers 2012, Droid tank and many other accessories. Lots of new items still in packaging. Answering machien broken, best time to call is on weekends between 7-10 am. 243-4131

FOR SALE:   Twin Size Bed.  Mattress, box spring, frame and headboard.  Excellent condition.  $125 o.b.o.   712-254-3297.

FOR SALE:  Price reduced on Roper Washer and Dryer from earlier ad to $90. Call or text 712-779-0755.