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100 Years of Boys’ State Basketball Tournaments to be Celebrated


January 24th, 2012 by Jim Field

by Bud Legg, IHSAA

Since 1912 the Iowa Boys’ State Basketball Tournament has offered the state and its fans many exciting moments. In observance of the first 100 years of the tournament, the IHSAA is using the weeks leading up to the tournament and the tournament itself to celebrate the first 100 years.

A special logo commemorating the 100 Year Celebration of State Basketball Tournaments is posted on the basketball page of the IHSAA website. The IHSAA encourages media and schools to utilize use of the logo and the information available on the basketball page of the Association’s web site in their coverage of basketball.

Earlier this winter, the Association assembled a blue-ribbon panel consisting of former state tournament coaches; school administrators; veteran fans (some of whom were former players and coaches); members of the media; and game officials to recall “great moments from state tournament games.” Independently they arrived at those tournament moments that still shine brightly in their memories.

No pre-set number of moments was given to the Committee. Those that were introduced were included in the draft with some being grouped by commonalities.  With such a daunting task, the IHSAA realizes that the committee’s “great moments” were not all inclusive. Rather they are a compilation of the committee’s memories of the first 100 years, 219 championship games, and over 108,000 minutes of action. They constitute a legacy that embodies the richness of education-based interscholastic athletics. It is intended to represent a cross section of the history of the tournament and is presented in categorical and chronological order.

The “Great Moments” can be found on the basketball page of the website. In addition a plethora of
archived information, including every score from the 100 State Tournaments and numerous records and all-time bests can be found by clicking on the word “Archives” above the red QuikStats banner on the basketball web page.

The IHSAA wants fans to review the “moments” which includes the facilities that have hosted the State Tournament; innovations that were used in the tournament structure, record setting coaches, fans and officials, tournament nuggets and notable firsts, and a chronology of the “state tournament highlights the committee identified.  As they read the information and highlights, they are invited to submit other state tournament moments they recall for consideration for inclusion in the list. Entries need not be from a championship game. Additions for consideration can be emailed to Bud Legg (blegg@iahsaa.org).

Others are welcomed and invited by the Athletic Association to join in the celebration.  Media outlets, schools, and private individuals who have photos of past State Tournament games that can be used in the special tournament program, arena displays or video presentations are urged to send them to the IHSAA.  Full credit lines for photographs used will be given and all pictures will be returned. The pictures can be emailed to tlatta@iahsaa.org or mailed to the Iowa High School Athletic Association; PO Box 10; Boone, IA 50036-0010.

As the tournament nears the IHSAA will develop posters, brief video presentations to be played before the State Tournament games, and a variety of displays and activities relating to the celebration of the first 100 years. Activities will be designed to enhance the history of the tournament but not detract from the unique experience this year’s qualifiers will have.